The most underutilized resource in SEO is actually the SERPS, which means that the actual content isn’t being utilized. For every keyword in Google where you’ve expanded in order to show just 100 results, there are about 3000 words. that’s a lot of content, and it’s good for SEO to look at this since it does have to be picked by Google in order to address the needs of those searchers. Google is rewriting or modifying the meta descriptions almost all the time, and it takes a lot of resources to do it because the search engine cares about the searchers that are doing this.
The ability to analyze the SERPs languages on a larger scale has the chance to be a very valuable tactic for SEO and here, well talk about the techniques used at that scale. They are dependant on Python, but that’s something that isn’t’ super hard to learn.
To begin, you want to have access to something called Conductor where you can run the SERP reports, which uses the external API in order to pull the meta data from keywords, and this is straightforward in terms of getting the data to create a clean format to work with.
If you’re not comfortable with using this, there are other APIs that you can work with, including the Scraper chrome extension in order to manually do this for every single keyword out there. What you want to look for, is the words, linguistic analysis, and language, and from there, real data is definitely something, and you can leverage the tested and tried methods for analysis, and finding a way to apply them in ways that are relevant to the SEOs. At this point, you should then look to clean the text for analysis, which is essentially the pre-processing, and you can prepare the text for analysis. You want to make sure that it’s lowercase, without punctuation, removing the stop words that are there, correct spelling, and also making sure that lemmatized and stemmed as well. Do this, and from there, you can apply this to your own SEO.
You can from here use the nGram occurrence, which means we’re counting the number of instances a word or combination appears. This is good because it gives us a snapshot of the words or phrases that Google sees to be the most relevant, and the keywords analyzed. From there, you can pull the results, and look at the keywords, along with interesting trend at this point, and look at the co-occurring phrases, and you can also filter out different words as well.
You can use this in order to help build your SEO and make it better than before. With the right tools, and the right mindset, you’ll be able to, with this as well, create the best and most worthwhile experience that you can with this, and in turn, also have a much happier, and more rewarding time with your SERP research too.